Hello. I am a passionate Groovy and Java developer based in Tilburg, The Netherlands. My goal is to write software, like Pixar makes movies, BMW makes cars, Bang & Olufsen makes audio and TV systems and Apple makes computers and devices: clean, elegant, user-centered and high quality.
My name is Hubert A. Klein Ikkink. Not a very common name, right? To make things easier I just picked the first letters of my firstname and surname and came up with haki. So there you have it, now I am known as Mr. Haki or mrhaki for short. The following Groovy code shows this:
assert [ 'Hubert' , 'Alexander' , 'Klein' , 'Ikkink' ] . inject ( 'mr' ) { nickname, name -> nickname + name[ 0 ].toLowerCase() } == 'mrhaki' |
Or in Clojure code:
( assert ( = "mrhaki" ( reduce ( fn [ nickname name ] ( str nickname ( clojure.string/lower-case ( first name ) ) ) ) "mr" [ "Hubert" "Alexander" "Klein" "Ikkink" ] ) ) ) |
Or in Kotlin code:
assert ( listOf( "Hubert" , "Alexander" , "Klein" , "Ikkink" ) .fold( "mr" ) { nickname, name -> nickname + name[ 0 ].toLowerCase() } == "mrhaki" ) |
And finally the Java code:
assert List.of( "Hubert" , "Alexander" , "Klein" , "Ikkink" ) .stream() .reduce( "mr" , (nickname, name) -> nickname + Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt( 0 ))) .equals( "mrhaki" ) |
In 2009 I started writing blog posts about Groovy with the name Groovy Goodness. These posts contain small snippets of code explaining core and exotic features of the Groovy language. During the years I wrote about subjects like Grails, Micronaut, Gradle, Spock, Clojure and Asciidoctor.